Increase/expand an XFS filesystem

Increase/expand an XFS filesystem in RHEL 7 / CentOS 7 This guide will explain how to grow an XFS filesystem on VMWare Virtual Machine without a reboot. Verify if your server has XFS file system (you should see “xfs” in the Type column): # df -Th Filesystem Type Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on /dev/mapper/cl-root…

5 Best WordPress Security Plugins

Among the many aspects of cybersecurity for web applications and online sites, a trustworthy security scanner can make a lot of difference. WordPress sites have grown both in popularity as the chosen content management system (CMS) and as the preferred attack zone for hackers. Ideally, your WordPress security scanner should be alert to all possible…

Active Directory Best Practices

Active Directory Best Practices Security Groups, User Accounts, and Other AD Basics At many enterprises and SMBs that use Windows devices, IT teams are likely to use Active Directory (AD). Essentially, Active Directory is an integral part of the operating system’s architecture, allowing IT more control over access and security. AD is a centralized, standard…

What is vulnerability management?

Vulnerability management is the practice of identifying, classifying, prioritizing, remediating, and mitigating software vulnerabilities. Vulnerability management is integral to information security and information systems — and despite the similarity in terms, it is not the same as vulnerability scanning. Vulnerability scanning consists of using a computer program to identify vulnerabilities in networks, computer infrastructure or applications. Scanning is an important component of vulnerability management, but it is…

Threat Management: Managing Alerts, Vulnerabilities and Incidents

Introduction There’s lots of language challenges when talking about alerts, vulnerabilities and incidents.  It’s a common error to speak about vulnerabilities when you are really referring to “vulnerability alerts”. Furthermore, a common confusion comes from talking about “incidents” when a vulnerability is found in a system.  A vulnerability can cause an incident when exploited –…