information security

Some Laws of Information Security

Some Laws of Information Security: A Savvy Approach to Modern Cyber Risk As we navigate the murky waters of the cyber age, it’s crucial to reevaluate traditional axioms and replace them with principles that resonate with our increasingly complex digital landscape. In that spirit, let’s delve into five new laws of information security that are…

Cyber Crime

How to Safeguard Your Financial Data

Modern Techniques of Credit Card Fraud in Australia: How to Safeguard Your Financial Data According to a report from the Australian Payments Network, credit card fraud in Australia saw a concerning increase in recent years1. With the advent of digital transactions, Australians are relying less on cash and more on credit and debit cards. However,…


Navigating Ethical Nuances: Unveiling the Subtleties of Bribery in the Cybersecurity Sector

Navigating Ethical Nuances: Unveiling the Subtleties of Bribery in the Cybersecurity Sector Bribery in the cybersecurity landscape often takes a less overt form than one might initially think. The journey towards ethically compromised decisions can sometimes begin with seemingly benign objectives, such as expediting processes or streamlining outcomes. It is in these very instances that…

smart social media use

The Aussie Guide to Smashing Work Social Media

The Great Aussie Guide to Smashing Work Social Media Without Copping a Bluey Hey legends! Welcome to the ultimate guide to nailing your social media game at work. Look, we get it, nobody wants to trawl through dry-as-biscuit corporate guidelines. So, how about a down-to-earth yarn that won’t bore you to death? Ready? Set? Let’s…


The Great Aussie Spyware Stoush

The Great Aussie Spyware Stoush: Navigate the Digital Underbelly Like an ACSC Essential 8 Pro G’day mates! Let’s dive into the world of spyware without drowning in paranoia, shall we? Spyware and other mischievous malware are costing organisations big time, both in Australia and around the world. How much? Try billions of dollars. That’s more…

identity thief

Dumpster Diving and Identity Theft

Dumpster Diving and Identity Theft: The Low-Tech Risk You Didn’t See Coming Identity theft is frequently portrayed as a high-tech offence, but the reality is often far more analog. With the prevalence of cybercrime, one may overlook the oldest trick in the book: dumpster diving. In Australia, the rates of identity theft are rising, and…

software security

Software Security: Now or Later?

The Top Five Furphies Developers Tell Themselves About Secure Coding: An Aussie Perspective G’day, Andrew and fellow tech enthusiasts. Let’s chew the fat about a topic as critical as a Wallabies vs. All Blacks match: secure coding. Despite it being 2023, the sad reality is that a large chunk of software devs aren’t taking this…

prevent identity theft

Combatting Identity Theft in the Australian Context

Shielding Your Digital Lifeblood: Combatting Identity Theft in the Australian Context Identity theft is no trifling matter. In Australia alone, it’s estimated to cost around AUD 2.2 billion annually, impacting individuals and organisations alike. And let’s not forget the psychological toll: it can trigger stress, ruin interpersonal relationships, and even destroy trust within workplace environments.…

roaming mantis

DNS-Hijacking Malware Targeting iOS, Android and Desktop Users Worldwide

Widespread routers’ DNS hijacking malware that recently found targeting Android devices has now been upgraded its capabilities to target iOS devices as well as desktop users. Dubbed Roaming Mantis, the malware was initially found hijacking Internet routers last month to distribute Android banking malware designed to steal users’ login credentials and the secret code for…