Micro-Segmentation is the Answer.

The idea of segmenting the network as a way to increase security is new. But it has been difficult to achieve granular segmentation because computing and security have been tied at the hip. That means any changes made to attain the desired security posture require changes to the underlying network transport or sacrifice granularity. In…

Protecting your school against Ransomware

Every day we hear about a new cyber attack. The targets are often public infrastructure like pipelines or companies that provide third-party services, but public agencies and school districts are just as vulnerable and have suffered many ransomware attacks in recent years that disrupt school services and cost millions of dollars. An intrusion, often caused when a single stolen credential…

Gadget Access Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy Gadget Access, an Australian-based business incorporated in NSW, is committed to respecting and protecting your privacy. We recognise our clients may have concerns about the privacy, confidentiality, and security of information we may gather. Our pledge is to safeguard our clients’ private and confidential data by adhering to security measures including physical, computer…

Pointers on the Russia-Ukraine crisis

We’re all guilty of the doom-scrolling and most of us are feeling pretty powerless to help as we watch the tragic Ukraine crisis unfold. Our colleagues at Digital Shadows have put together some pointers  to help security leaders and practitioners prepare for potential Russian cyber threats that could impact their organizations. Before we start, I…

Threat Intelligence Platforms

What are threat intelligence platforms? Threat Intelligence Platforms (TIPs) are critical security tools that use global security data to help proactively identify, mitigate and remediate security threats. New and continually evolving threats are surfacing every day. While security analysts know the key to staying ahead of these threats is to analyze data on them, the…

Practical Zero Trust Framework Approaches

Zero Trust is a conceptual and architectural framework for moving security from a perimeter-based security model to minimizing trust by continuously verifying secure access, authentication, and authorisation. While this sounds simple, it requires both a shift in mindset and major changes in the deployment and use of security technologies. Creating a detailed roadmap that outlines…

What is Zero Trust Architecture all about

Zero Trust Architecture (ZTA) is a security blueprint designed with the realities of today’s cyber threat landscape in mind. It’s based on the premise that attackers are already present, and at any point anything can be compromised – and in turn suggests organizations adhere to these key tenets of Zero Trust Architecture to maximize cyber resilience.   Broadly speaking, we can classify these ZTA tenets under three security domains. Using the NIST SP 800-207 document as…

Increase/expand an XFS filesystem

Increase/expand an XFS filesystem in RHEL 7 / CentOS 7 This guide will explain how to grow an XFS filesystem on VMWare Virtual Machine without a reboot. Verify if your server has XFS file system (you should see “xfs” in the Type column): # df -Th Filesystem Type Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on /dev/mapper/cl-root…

5 Best WordPress Security Plugins

Among the many aspects of cybersecurity for web applications and online sites, a trustworthy security scanner can make a lot of difference. WordPress sites have grown both in popularity as the chosen content management system (CMS) and as the preferred attack zone for hackers. Ideally, your WordPress security scanner should be alert to all possible…